
keyseq helper

keyseq is running in sandbox, which “provides protection to system resources and user data by limiting your app’s access to resources”.

To make more functions available, keyseq helper can be running outside sandbox to use more system resource.


The helper can do and can only do the following things,

  • Menu action (only available if the helper is running) simulate menu item clicks via Accessibility API.
  • Launch application with arguments.
  • Simulate keystrokes.
  • Switch To Recent Window action via Accessibility API.
  • Sleep (put display to sleep)


After downloading the latest, expand the zip, double click to launch it.

You’ll receive an alert for Accessibility Access,

"keys-helper" would like to control this computer using accessibility features.
Grant access to this application in Security & Privacy preferences, located in System Settings.

After granting access, press a leader key, and then the helper will run in background.


  • Launching helper will copy it to ~/Library/Application Support/keyseq/ The source app will be terminated and the destination app will be launched.
  • Restarting keyseq, pressing a leader key, adding/editing a shortcut will run the helper if it is not running.


To quit the helper, open Activity Monitor in /System/Applications/Utilities/, search “keys-helper”, select it and click the quit button.

If some functions do not work as expected, check if the helper is running by Activity Monitor.


Quit helper by following the steps in the section Quit, then delete the


Download and expand the new zip, and double click to launch it.

keyseq will show you a prompt if the helper needs an upgrade.
